Monday, 28 March 2011

Character design

Base layer done... ready to start painting it in photoshop

Mickey 'The scouse physco'

Friday, 25 March 2011

Football hooligan Character sketchs !

Here the the first initial sketchs of my character..
i took the idea of a football hooligan, mines has a black zip up jacket, blue jeans and white trainers !
His facial features are a shaved head, angry looking face and a scar across his face.

These are just pencil sketchs at the minute to give you the idea of my character, but im going to get the digital sketching of this done over the weekend so im ready to start modelling on tuesday :)

Monday, 21 March 2011

3d Character Design

New brief, new project !

I've decided to design a realistic, football hooligan for my 3d character design.
Will upload the sketchs etc soon !

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Final Animation

Heres the link to my final animation on youtube ! i am happy with the final outcome, the animation worked well !

i also added titles and a soundtrack using adobe premiere, the only problem is that the video slightly pixeletted when i brung it into premiere but other than that im really happy with the final animation of TANKINATOR !

Nearly there.....

Here half of my animation rendered,, the other half is rendering at the minute...

Rendering in process

This is the final design and location of my animation..It takes roughly 2hours to render my video,

Monday, 7 March 2011

Textured model

Nearing final model

I am now nearing the final model. I have linked all the parts and hierarched the bits that are going to be animated using dummys.

I merged the tank tracks with the main structure of the tank... i will now apply the texture soon.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Changes to my animation

While modelling, ir an into a few problems with the tank, so i decided to still use the main body of the tank and tracks,,, but use two robotic type arm guns in stead of one main gun.....